Prime Generated Guitar Music

Here's an old experimental, mathy, music piece I did with Hobert Europe back in like 2003. It's based on the cicada principle, although I didn't know there was a name for it at the time. It's 4 short guitar loops, each a different prime number of beats (or maybe it was measures). Because we used primes, it goes on for quite sometime without any repetition. The whole thing would naturally repeat after the last measure.

Seltzer CRM

Over the past couple years, I've been developing a Customer Relationship Management app (CRM) for hackerspaces, and it's now ready to release into the wild! Meet Seltzer CRM!

Seltzer CRM is an open source (GPL) CRM web app for hackerspaces. It's based on the LAMP stack, and has been in use at i3 Detroit for a couple years, growing with us to our current level of 75 members.

Giant VU Meter

In addition to my "official" Maker Faire Detroit project, I created a giant VU meter for the after party.

It's powered by a Velleman mono VU meter kit. This is the same kit Eli Skipp used for her VU meter scarf. I replaced the single LED outputs with opto-isolators which provide a 12V signal to the segments.

Waterloo MMath Thesis

The thesis I did for my Masters in Applied math at the University of Waterloo / Institute for Quantum Computing. My supervisors were Josef Paldus and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch. Chapter 3 is a very thorough review of using the WKB approximation to find bound state energy levels. Link.

TAD Drawing Series

A series of drawings I did every day for a few months in 2008 and 2009. They were a ton of fun because I never knew what I was going to draw until I drew it. Full set here.

PWKW Photo Series

This is a photo series I did in 2007. It was meant to be a thing-a-day for the month of February, but I got off to a late start and it ran into March. At the time, I was taking a year off between undergrad and grad school, working as a freelance web developer, and soaking up the art/music culture of Detroit's Cass Corridor.

MIT Physics Undergrad Thesis

My undergrad physics thesis, supervised by Edward Farhi. Link.

MIT Snowflake-A-Thon 2005

In January of 2005 I participated in the Snowflake-A-Thon hosted by the Simplicity group at the MIT Media Lab. The challenge was to write the simplest program that produced the most beautiful snowflake. You can see the gallery of all the snowflakes and a video of mine here. Update: The gallery is no longer available on the Media Lab site, but you can see my video below.
